1·A sales agent then sells the securities or commodities to an investor for the negotiated price.6. Marketing manager.
2·After work, remove painter bill, the lady found than the original negotiated price hit a big discount. So she asked the painter: "how little count so much?""
3·Many pieces that fail to achieve their reserve price at auction are quietly sold afterwards in “private-treaty” deals negotiated by the auction houses.
4·Unlike most other metals, the price of iron ore is fixed by annual contracts negotiated by each miner and individual importing country.
5·Many F-35 watchers see LRIP-4 as crucial because the fixed-price contract commits Lockheed to meeting the price it has negotiated with the Pentagon for the jets.
许多的F - 35观察家认为LRIP - 4具有决定作用,因为该固定价格的合同承诺洛克希德要满足它与国防部的飞机议价。
6·Three years ago, the company negotiated with a potential customer who asked for a better price and extra brewing equipment.
7·They then installed malware on the law firm's web server, prosecutors said, enabling them to obtain information about live deals, including the price at which they were being negotiated.
8·A monetary price can be negotiated by buyers and sellers to enable trades to be made.
9·Soon the price of iron ore leaving BHP Billiton's port in Western Australia will be based on market prices rather than negotiated annual contracts.
不久后,必和必拓(BHP Billiton)从这个西澳港口发运的铁矿石将采用市场价,而不再采用谈判达成的年度合约价。
10·In the past Chinese iron ore importers and steel makers negotiated the iron ore price separately, which often resulted in speculation in pricing.